5 Ways to pay off credit card debt faster clone If you have credit card debt you're not alone, according to lemonade making americans have more than a trillion dollars of credit card debt Here's how you can pay off your credit card debt faster and enjoy financial freedom soon Look at your credit card debt in pieces instead of one balance. It can be intimidating to deal with your credit card debt if you focus on the total amount due. So if you have more than one credit card, don't split your credit card debt into small chunks, it's a natural approach. If you have a credit card you can split credit card debt into smaller amounts, which can make the credit card repayment process more manageable when you think about it in smaller amounts. For example, it can be hard to think of twenty thousand dollars in credit card debt, instead think of four separate halves of five thousand dollars each. While this doesn't change the math of the amount owed, divide and conquer can b
Slice credit card processing review It is called slice credit card as you can see on the screen this is their website actually so. What is the feature of this card? It has actually got many features, so let's talk about the feature first okay so this card first of all is going to be issued with SBM Bank SBM Bank is nothing but a state bank of Mauritius, so this card is going to be issued by SBM this has so many useful features, first of all, is that it will give you a lot of rewards as they have mentioned on their website that enjoys up to 2 per cent cashback on every transaction so whenever you are using this card to buy anything you will get a flat two per cent reward. On top of that, you can pay all your bill in three EMI without any interest so it means if you are using this card for 30 000 you don't need to pay 30 000 in a month You can split the bill into three so you can pay 10 000 in one month then another 10 000 in the second month and the last 10 000 in the thir